After the break

Last year has been a journey of sorts. I will likely not be able to use the terms"pain in the neck" , "getting on your nerves"lightly again.

A lot has changed in a year - Bob's beloved white bowl broke into two pieces, Bob is less energetic physically, though as alert and effective as a teacher, many new faces in class. Other things remain constant: The class, my artist colleagues, and Bob remain welcoming & nurturing, and feel like family - a very functional one.

I was excited, although nervous to paint after a year long hiatus. After a week of sorting through my supplies, I made it to class. The broken bowl immediately captured my fancy. I wanted to paint something simple. Bob put two golden apples and I got to work. The first day looked like this:

My 6 year old son remarked that the painting looks nice, but the bowl looks weird. I told him it's broken. He says, "Well, maybe you should add the broken piece somewhere so it doesn't look so weird". This was a moment of pride for me as a mom. Also, I couldn't be at peace as an artist anymore. I returned to class next week and demanded that the broken piece be added to the composition.

Putting pieces together to find yourself can be a lifelong journey, this took only a couple of sessions and was way easier!


  1. Wow!..there is always a take away. We need to see more of your paintings with a story behind it-Chhavi.


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